Tuesday, 21 January 2025 00:00
Eric heads into the recording studio with LawPracticeCLE (LPCLE), where he explores techniques, psychological principles, and strategies for successful negotiations in his seminar: "Effectively Navigate and Control Tough Negotiations"
Effectively Navigate and Control Tough Negotiations
In this seminar, we explore proven techniques for navigating tough negotiations with confidence and control. By applying cutting-edge psychological principles like prospect theory and loss aversion, participants will discover practical strategies to defuse conflict, build rapport, and transform contentious discussions into opportunities for collaboration. Through real-world examples and interactive exercises, attendees will gain the tools to counter hardball tactics, manage emotions effectively, and guide negotiations to successful outcomes.
Tuesday, January 21st @ 2 PM ET
Visit the LawPracticeCLE website for more information.
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 06 March 2024 19:00
Gary presents for National Business Institute's LLC Rules Changes Guide 2024 Program. He discusses U.S. court rulings on entity and trust protections across multiple jurisdictions, in his seminar, "Asset Protection and the Latest State Case Law."
Asset Protection and the Latest State Case Law
In this seminar, we discuss how U.S. courts have ruled on entity and trust protections in the various jurisdictions. This section of the "LLC Rules Changes Guide 2024" program will equip attendees with the knowledge necessary to update appliable asset protection techniques and structures.
Wednesday, March 6th @ 2 PM ET
Visit the National Business Institute website for more information.
Published in
Press Releases
Monday, 05 February 2024 19:00
Gary presents for the Single-Member LLCs: Attorneys' Guide program an overview of legal traps and hazards potentially hindering asset protection strategies, in his seminar: "Asset Protection Pitfalls" for the National Business Institute.
Asset Protection Pitfalls
In this seminar, we discuss how advisors and clients have unintentionally undermined asset protection strategies, both domestic and foreign. Attendees will learn about current cases and how to avoid weakening protective structures.
Tuesday, February 6th @ 12:45 PM ET
Visit the National Business Institute website for more information.
Published in
Press Releases
Wednesday, 24 January 2024 19:00
Gary and Brian explore entity/trust strategies, jurisdiction, tax insights, international planning, in their seminar: "2024 Asset Protection Update" via Live National Webinar.
2024 Asset Protection Update
In this seminar, we provide an asset protection update for 2024. We discuss considerations for entity and trust formation, choosing jurisdictions, choice of governing law and international expatriation and pre-immigration planning. Attendees will learn techniques for effectively structuring assets through LLCs, trusts, titling, and applicable exemptions, along with a practical discussion on new cases and prudent asset protection practices and misconceptions. The discussion also includes a comprehensive tax overview of the practice.
Thursday, January 25th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
Thursday, January 25th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
Published in
Press Releases
Thursday, 19 October 2023 20:00
Gary explains how to best choose and implement the use of LLCs in protective structuring in his seminar, "Structuring and Funding the LLC: Advanced Asset Protection Strategies" for the National Business Institute.
Structuring and Funding the LLC: Advanced Asset Protection Strategies
In this seminar, we explore advanced asset protection strategies, including the protective aspects of LLCs and how to best combine the LLC with domestic and offshore asset protection trusts. We cover legal cases, domestic vs. foreign options, and the keys to effectiveness. This seminar is ideal for financial and legal professionals.
Friday, October 20th @ 11 AM ET
Visit the National Business Institute website for more information.
Published in
Press Releases
Sunday, 24 September 2023 20:00
Gary explores partnership tax considerations for family structures, asset protection, jurisdiction choices, and trust strategies in his seminar, "Family Limited Partnerships in Estate Planning Program" for the National Business Institute.
Family Limited Partnerships in Estate Planning Program
In this seminar, we explore a wide range of topics raised by the family investment structure. Included in the discussion will be estate and gift tax strategies, distribution and basis issues and how to best protect partnership assets for generations. Attendees will gain insight into selecting the right jurisdiction and how to blend partnership and trust strategies (foreign and domestic). Discussion includes nuances like partnership tax classification and "S" status for family businesses.
Monday, September 25th @ 2 PM ET
Visit the National Business Institute website for more information.
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Press Releases