Thursday, 03 August 2023 20:00
Gary and Brian present their 2023 asset protection update at the FICPA's Summer Vacation Conference at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort.
2023 Domestic and International Asset Protection Update
In this seminar, we present our 2023 overview of the foundational issues and recent changes to the statutes and cases forming domestic and international asset protection planning. Discussion includes relevant structuring and tax avoidance strategies. The tax impact of expatriation and immigration is also discussed.
Friday, August 4th @ 8:30 AM ET
Visit the FICPA website for more information.
Friday, August 4th @ 8:30 AM ET
Visit the FICPA website for more information.
Published in
Press Releases
Monday, 18 May 2020 20:00
Gary and Brian present on the U.S. tax impact of expatriation in their newest seminar "Expatriation Planning for U.S. Citizens and Residents" via Live National Webinar
Expatriation Planning for U.S. Citizens and Residents
This seminar presents an overview of the U.S. tax impact of expatriation. Discussions include the “exit tax” triggering the deemed sale of assets world-wide, as well as, the emigrant’s estate and gift tax obligations. Participants will learn how both U.S. citizens and non-citizen residents may avoid triggering the expatriation tax.
Tuesday, May 19th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this (no cost) live seminar.
Published in
Press Releases