Wednesday, 16 June 2021 20:25
Gary and Eric discuss the legal challenges of asset protection structuring for unmarried and couples living in states not offering titling by the entireties, in their seminar, "Asset Protection for the Single Person" via Live National Webinar
Asset Protection for the Single Person
In Florida and other states which protect assets jointly titled to married couples, such titling is often the foundation of asset protection. In this seminar, we discuss the legal challenges of structuring protections for unmarried individuals. Attendees will learn about protective options available to single people and couples living in states not offering titling by the entireties.
Thursday, June 17th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Tuesday, 25 May 2021 20:00
Gary and Brian present with international business & tax advisor Jim Dawson from Global Tax Focus on international corporate tax concerns, in their seminar, "Tax Issues Raised by the Onset of U.S. Business Operations" via Live National Webinar
Tax Issues Raised by the Onset of U.S. Business Operations
In this seminar, we discuss the tax issues relevant to (i) businesses considering U.S. operations and (ii) their owners and executives. Attendees will learn about cross-border corporate tax concerns, pre-immigration planning, and the U.S. estate and gift tax.
Jim Dawson is CEO of Global Tax Focus, an international tax strategy and compliance practice based in Atlanta. He is a Certified Public Accountant and an international business and tax advisor to global enterprises. He can be reached at (404) 855-0795.
Jim Dawson is CEO of Global Tax Focus, an international tax strategy and compliance practice based in Atlanta. He is a Certified Public Accountant and an international business and tax advisor to global enterprises. He can be reached at (404) 855-0795.
Wednesday, May 26th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Tuesday, 18 May 2021 20:00
Thom discusses proposed changes to estate and gift tax laws in an unpredictable political climate, in his seminar, "Navigating the Looming Estate & Gift Tax Storm" via Live National Webinar
Navigating the Looming Estate & Gift Tax Storm
Whether the proposed estate and gift tax changes end up being a typhoon or just an unusually high tide, there is no time like right now for clients to reduce their exposure to estate taxes. In this seminar, we discuss the changes to estate and gift tax laws that are being proposed in the current unpredictable political landscape, and the steps to take to weather the storm.
Wednesday, May 19th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this Live (no cost) seminar.
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Monday, 03 May 2021 20:00
Eric discusses "The Importance of Timing with Asset Protection" with financial advisor Michael Clark from Raymond James Financial via Live National Webinar
The Importance of Timing with Asset Protection
Thursday, May 4th @ 5 PM ET
No registration necessary for this (no cost) event. Simply enter the Zoom Meeting slightly before the start time.
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 28 April 2021 20:00
Teresa continues the discussion on guardianship weaponization, explaining preventive measures and protective strategies to avoid victimization in her seminar, "The Weaponization of Guardianships (Part 2)" via Live National Webinar
The Weaponization of Guardianships (Part 2)
Although the Florida Guardianship Act is supposed to shield the elderly and other vulnerable members of society from exploitation, it can be used as a sword by the unscrupulous. In this 2-part seminar series, we review Florida Guardianship laws and discuss financial exposure and victimization.
In Part 1, we examined the Florida Guardianship Act and reveal real-life scenarios where guardianships went wrong.
In this Part 2, we'll have a quick review of Part 1 and discuss preventive measures to avoid having guardianship laws used as a weapon with an emphasis on how the elderly are victimized by unscrupulous or overzealous caregivers and family members. Protective strategies are also discussed.
In Part 1, we examined the Florida Guardianship Act and reveal real-life scenarios where guardianships went wrong.
In this Part 2, we'll have a quick review of Part 1 and discuss preventive measures to avoid having guardianship laws used as a weapon with an emphasis on how the elderly are victimized by unscrupulous or overzealous caregivers and family members. Protective strategies are also discussed.
Thursday, April 29th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this (no cost) live seminar.
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Press Releases
Monday, 26 April 2021 20:00
Kathryn and Teresa discuss the complexities which arise when a small business owner is deemed incapacitated in their seminar, "Business and Incapacity: Protecting Small Businesses and Trust Assets from Guardianship Issues" via Live National Webinar
Business and Incapacity: Protecting Small Businesses and Trust Assets from Guardianship Issues
Learn strategies for mitigating damages when incapacity, guardianship, and business collide.
Tuesday, April 27th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 21 April 2021 20:00
Gary and Brian discuss how best to limit the tax impact (both present and at death) of immigration to the United States in their seminar, "Pre-Immigration Planning" via Live National Webinar
Pre-Immigration Planning
Learn how to employ the most relevant tax avoidance strategies during foreign residency and upon immigration.
Thursday, April 22nd @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Tuesday, 13 April 2021 20:00
Eric discusses the issues most frequently encountered in 2021 in our healthcare practice in his seminar, "Health Law Update: Telehealth, Billing Audits, and Employment Disputes" via Live National Webinar
Health Law Update: Telehealth, Billing Audits, and Employment Disputes
Learn about the modernization of telehealth, non-compete law changes, payment audits and disputes, and other business issues.
Wednesday, April 14th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Tuesday, 09 March 2021 19:00
Gary and Eric present for the National Business Institute and discuss the single-member LLC structure, with an emphasis on asset protection, in their seminar, "Protecting Assets with Single-Member LLCs" via Live Webinar
Protecting Assets with Single-Member LLCs
Learn the pitfalls and protections of single-member LLCs. Topics include: Understanding veil piercing and related exposures. Updates on recent court rulings regarding single-member LLCs and understanding how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 affects these LLCs for tax purposes are also discussed.
Wednesday, March 10th @ 3 PM ET
Visit the National Business Institute website for more information.
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Press Releases
Monday, 22 March 2021 20:00
Teresa presents on the weaponization of guardianships, reviewing real-life scenarios where guardianships went wrong and shedding light on how this can happen, in her seminar, "The Weaponization of Guardianships (Part 1)" via Live Webinar
The Weaponization of Guardianships (Part 1)
Although the Florida Guardianship Act is supposed to shield the elderly and other vulnerable members of society from exploitation, it can be used as a sword by the unscrupulous. In this 2-part seminar series, we review Florida Guardianship laws and discuss financial exposure and victimization.
In this Part 1, we examine the Florida Guardianship Act and reveal real-life scenarios where guardianships went wrong.
Next month in Part 2, we discuss preventive measures to avoid having guardianship laws used as a weapon with an emphasis on how the elderly are victimized by unscrupulous or overzealous caregivers and family members. Protective strategies are also discussed.
In this Part 1, we examine the Florida Guardianship Act and reveal real-life scenarios where guardianships went wrong.
Next month in Part 2, we discuss preventive measures to avoid having guardianship laws used as a weapon with an emphasis on how the elderly are victimized by unscrupulous or overzealous caregivers and family members. Protective strategies are also discussed.
Tuesday, March 23th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this (no cost) live seminar.
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Press Releases