Thursday, 11 June 2020 20:00
Eric and Skip explore legal defenses for enforcing (or defend against) contractual obligations during a pandemic in their seminar "COVID-19’s Impact on Contractual Obligations with Practical Pointers for Businesses" for the FICPA's Mega Conference
COVID-19’s Impact on Contractual Obligations with Practical Pointers for Businesses
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause havoc, including impacting the inability of parties to perform contractual obligations. In this seminar, we explore some of the legal defenses and practical considerations for parties seeking to enforce, or defend against enforcement of contractual obligations during a pandemic. The discussion includes the legal defenses of force majeure clauses, the doctrine of impossibility of performance, and the doctrine of frustration of purpose.
Friday, June 12th @ 2:30 PM ET
Get more info about the 2020 Mega Conference. Virtual & Interactive with Live Q&A.
Published in
Press Releases
Wednesday, 20 May 2020 20:00
Eric and Skip explore legal defenses for enforcing (or defend against) contractual obligations during a pandemic in their seminar "COVID-19’s Impact on Contractual Obligations with Practical Pointers for Businesses" via Live National Webinar
COVID-19’s Impact on Contractual Obligations with Practical Pointers for Businesses
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause havoc, including impacting the inability of parties to perform contractual obligations. In this seminar, we explore some of the legal defenses and practical considerations for parties seeking to enforce, or defend against enforcement of contractual obligations during a pandemic. The discussion includes the legal defenses of force majeure clauses, the doctrine of impossibility of performance, and the doctrine of frustration of purpose.
Thursday, May 21st @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this (no cost) live seminar.
Published in
Press Releases